Return Policy

We don’t have return policy as it is not applicable to our business, we are engaged in the business of providing a platform for games of skills and because the services provided by us are inherently consumed and, unlike tangible products, it cannot be physically returned or reverted. Consequently, once a service has been delivered, it is irrevocable and cannot be undone or returned in any physical form.

Shipping Policy

We don’t have shipping policy because we are engaged in the business of providing a platform for games of skills, which do not encompass the handling or distribution of physical goods. Therefore, it is a service and we don’t have any shipping policy.

Refund Policy

We do not have a refund policy as we are in the service industry wherein we provide a platform for games of skill. The payment is only made after consumption of service and hence no refund policy is applicable.However in case of failed transaction the amount shall be credited back to the customers account as per the Bank Policies or the policies of the platform used to make such transaction or the aggregator used for such transactions.